The product of expertise and experience

More than 40 years of experience in neonatal ventilation and a century of expertise in breathing technology have gone into Dräger’s Babylog® 8000 plus. The result is a neonatal ventilator that satisfies the extremely high standards you set in caring for your little patients.

Little patients, great demands Artificial respiration is one of the most invasive procedures performed in neonatal intensive care. So it is particularly important that a ventilator adapts to your little patient’s requirements, and not vice versa. The ultimate aim is to achieve a harmonious balance between patient and ventilator – where the ventilator not only adapts to the patient’s needs but also protects the baby as much as possible from serious side effects such as volutrauma or atelectasis. Another major consideration from the moment ventilation begins is how to wean the baby off the ventilator. Here, the right balance is just as important. Weaning is enhanced through sensitive synchronization with spontaneous breathing, which in practice means adapting to interferences such as tube leaks while allowing the baby the maximum room to breathe.

Manufacturing Company: Dräger