Take a closer look at the Dräger Fabius Tiro

In the modern hospital environment, time is always precious. But there are also many places in a hospital where space comes at premium. Places like induction rooms, or emergency wards or smaller operating rooms. Spaces like these present particular challenges – such as how to maintain the best possible patient access and still provide high-quality care. It was for environments like these that we designed the Dräger Fabius Tiro.

The Dräger Fabius Tiro combines everything you need to provide high-quality ventilation in small spaces. Its compact design makes it a natural choice for applications where you need to get the most of the available room without having to compromise on features or flexibility. With a wide array of options to choose from, the Fabius Tiro can be customized to suit your needs and even be changed when those needs change.

Manufacturing Company: Dräger