HS ALLEGRA 90 is optimized for surgical procedures in day clinics, surgical centers, and hospitals, where speed and flexibility are decisive factors. It is mainly recommended to be used for ophthalmic surgery and small ENT procedures and examinations.

The apochromatic optics provides sharp and contrasty images at any magnification. The large stereo base of 25 mm results in an exceptional depth perception.
Factory-preadjusted mechanical brakes provide extremely high movability of the microscope and safe stability in the working position. HS ALLEGRA 90 contains a 5 step magnification changer. An X-Y coupling is helpful for horizontal tracking during ophthalmic surgery and is a focusing aid for ENT procedures. It is optionally available. HS ALLEGRA 90 is equipped with a 200 mm front lens, but objective lenses of 175 mm to 400 mm focal lengths may be chosen.

Manufacturing Company: HAAG-STREIT SURGICA